In 2016, a report was published in Australia, that showed pests such as rabbits, foxes and feral cats do not just have an impact on biodiversity, they also have an economic impact (McLeod, 2016). This fact sheet presents some findings of that report.
Most people are familiar with the term DNA, short for deoxyribose nucleic acid. It is the genetic building block of all forms of life, and the DNA pattern is different for every living creature, like an environmental fingerprint.All organisms leave traces of their DNA in their environment.
Feral cats were declared a pest animal in Western Australia on 14th of June 2019 under section 22(2) of the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act). This provides a mechanism which allows the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) to manage feral cats on DBCA reserves and in high priority ecological assets for the protection of threatened native animals.
Native animals and non-target species such as domestic pets and stock are also poisoned by pindone. The existence of an antidote makes pindone an attractive option for many landholders. As pindone can take up to 2 weeks to effectively poison an animal, poisoned animals are generally not found, meaning the impact on non-target animals is often unseen. Pindone can be purchased over the counter from most farm chemical suppliers.
Last year “The Australian Pest Animal Strategy 2017-2027” (APAS) was released, updating the original version from 2007. The three goals of the strategy are to: Prevent the establishment of new pest animal species; Minimise the impact of established pest animals and Improve leadership and coordination for the management of pest animals
By removing just one component of the feral animal web or relying on only one control method, you may actually be creating an imbalance that could result in outcomes that are the opposite of what you seek. It is essential to take a coordinated response to controlling feral animals.
Most people think of feral cats as threat to our native fauna. However, feral cats also can carry a disease which impacts warm blooded animals. The disease is caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. This parasite impacts upon sheep production in Australia.
A recently released report by the Threatened Species Recovery Hub has identified the 10 most destructive invasive species, and the results, may surprise you. The humble Rabbit is the undisputed leader, impacting well over 300 Australian threatened species.
Feral cats are a serious problem in Australia, and their control is made more difficult by their natural wariness of traps, and reluctance to take baits. The newly developed Felixer Grooming Trap hopefully will provide a unique solution. Armed with automated control systems the device targets feral cats with 1080 without the need for direct handling of the poison or risking exposure to working dogs or children.
Rabbits came to Australia with the First Fleet, and a second release of 24 rabbits occurred in Victoria in 1859. Within 70 years they had spread across 70% of Australia’s landmass. They are prolific breeders, with populations increasing 7-10 fold in a good season. Rabbits are highly effective invaders in the Australian landscape. As well as the conventional methods of control such as shooting, baiting and trapping, biological control is an important method for limiting rabbit numbers.